If half or more of the electorate doesn’t trust election results, it’s hard to imagine how our Republic will survive much longer.
Leave a CommentAlessandro Camp Author Website
If half or more of the electorate doesn’t trust election results, it’s hard to imagine how our Republic will survive much longer.
Leave a CommentThe literary work which approximates the world we’ve been living in this year is George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
1 CommentAt the core of our national character is the ability to handle the truth, determine what’s really wrong, then fix the problem.
1 CommentVictors don’t need a cohesive philosophy or clear objective if they can generate enough fear and chaos to cause people to settle for the imagined stability of a new order built on empty promises of safety, security and justice.
Leave a CommentWhat we are now witnessing is a strain of political madness that could possibly lead to another civil war.
1 CommentAmerica’s promise of freedom and equality without regard to skin color, ethnicity or creed is unparalleled in the world.
Leave a CommentWe now know the true colors of people like Congressman Rouda and Governor Pritzker.
Leave a Comment“There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake; what’s wrong is letting it stay a mistake without any effort to make it right.” Unfortunately, based upon our experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, this aspect of the American healthcare system remains a work in progress.
Leave a CommentA country that can develop a 5-minute COVID-19 test in less than two weeks then flood the market with millions of test kits can surely figure out how to make our society safer and healthier without substituting government mandates for personal responsibility.
Leave a CommentFaced with understandable concerns about the potential impact of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, far too many people have decided to assume the worst about this public health threat.
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